Compliance Occurrence Reporting - Sacred Circle Healthcare

Compliance Occurrence Reporting

Compliance Occurrence Reporting

Sacred Circle Healthcare (SCHC) is committed to the timely identification and resolution of all issues that may adversely affect employees, patients, or the organization. Therefore, SCHC has established communication channels to report problems and concerns.

The report below is an avenue by which individuals or interested parties may report any issue or question associated with any of SCHC’s policies, conduct, practices, or procedures believed by the individual to be a potential violation of criminal, civil, or administrative law, or any unethical conduct.

All individuals are protected from non intimidation and nonretaliation for good faith participation in SCHC’s Compliance Program. You may complete this form without identifying yourself and leave the “Observers Name” section blank. However, many times more information is needed from an individual to perform a complete investigation. So, you are encouraged to leave your name for follow-up. Rest assured your identity will be kept confidential.

Rest assured your identity will be kept confidential.